Appointments with a GP can be made by:
- Using our online service Patient Triage
- By telephone (01179549828) or by attending the surgery
All GP appointment requests go onto our Clinical Assessment Screen. If you would like assistance with making an appointment request, our health navigators will ask questions about your condition and needs and document it for the GP. All requests, however they are made, are treated equally and appear on our Clinical Assessment screen in the order in which they are received.
If an appointment is necessary, the triaging clinician will make a decision, based on the information you provide, on the best way to offer this and the clinical urgency of the request. All requests for appointments are viewed within 24 hours. If your symptoms are severe, change or you believe your concern needs a more immediate clinical response than this, then please telephone the surgery and let the reception team know this directly.
Appointments with a Nurse
Please note that appointments with the nursing team (e.g. for long term condition reviews, screening, dressings) are bookable directly by telephone by calling 01179549828. Please call the surgery directly to book.
We work hard to make as many appointments available as we can. However, demand for appointments outstrips supply. Please try to assist us by considering other sources of advice and support, so that appointments are available for those who need them.
NHS 111 gives good advice about colds, sore throats, coughs and other common ailments, your local pharmacist can advise you about these issues too, and injuries should be dealt with at A&E department or Minor Injuries Unit.